Car rental terms and conditions

1. General provisions

1.1. Participants declare that a subject of this contract is rent is higher than the specified car the tenant, namely on the conditions established in this contract.

1.2. The lessor leases to the tenant according to the present contract the car (a rent subject) specified in the top part of this contract.

1.3. The lessor declares that to him any circumstances which would interfere with it in the conclusion of this lease contract aren't known, and that concerning a rent subject any third party has no rights which would interfere with rent of a subject of rent.

1.4. Both parties agreed that the Lessor gives to the tenant a rent subject for the rent specified in the top part of this contract.

1.5. The tenant undertakes to pay this rent to the lessor when signing the present contract in the way specified in the top part of this contract.

2. Rights and obligations of the contractual parties

2.1. The lessor undertakes to transfer to the tenant a rent subject together with all necessary documents and accessories, in the state suitable for appropriate use in the established purposes.

2.2. The lessor declares that the car specified in the top part of this contract is properly insured, and undertakes to keep this insurance during the entire period of the rent relations.

2.3. The tenant is obliged to use the car with necessary professional approach, is exclusive for for which it is intended, and to observe all road and other existing legal instructions, is obliged to use the car in the way, to the usual and answering norms and instructions for this type of the car. It is, first of all, about observance of the parameters established by the producer, concerning technical condition of the car, amount of engine oil, cooling liquid, pressure in tires, etc.

2.4. The tenant is obliged to watch properly the car for the prevention of emergence of damage, including a duty of observance by the lessor of the established conditions and recommendations. The tenant is obliged to give opportunity to the lessor to perform the regular service inspection of a subject of rent ordered by the producer.

2.5. The tenant has no right without preliminary written consent of the lessor to transfer a rent subject to use to other persons.

3. Responsibility for a rent subject

3.1. The amount of pledge for a subject of rent is specified in the top part of this contract. Pledge will be returned after return of a subject of rent without any damages, except for damage of the lease contract specified in the protocol of transfer.

3.2. If damage of a subject of rent results from accident which was caused by other participant of traffic and it is confirmed with police and specified in the protocol of police, the Tenant doesn't bear responsibility for the caused material damage.

3.3. If there is a theft of a subject of rent, damage of a subject of rent or violation of its integrity as a result of a car accident which was caused by the tenant, or there will be a damage of a subject of rent or violation of its integrity as a result of other reason, the Tenant undertakes to pay a contractual fine at a rate of joint participation, specified in the top part of this contract. The size of a contractual fine can be reduced on the basis of the agreement of the contractual parties.

3.4. In case of management of a subject of drunk rent or under the influence of drugs the Tenant bears full responsibility for damage of a subject of rent or violation of its integrity. The tenant is responsible for damage when using the brand of fuel differing from the transfer specified in the protocol in a full size.

3.5. If damage of a subject of rent results from a car accident, theft of a subject of rent therefore there will be a damage of a subject of rent or violation of its integrity, the Tenant is obliged to call immediately the police, to wait for its arrival and to sign the protocol of police which copy will submit to the lessor. The tenant will immediately report about this circumstance to the lessor. In case the protocol of police isn't signed, the Tenant bears a full liability for damage, i.e. for damage of a subject of rent or violation of its integrity.

3.6. The tenant has no right to operate and use a rent subject in the countries which aren't specified in the international insurance policy. If, despite it, the subject of rent is used in other countries, the Tenant bears a full liability for damage, i.e. for damage of a subject of rent or violation of its integrity.

3.7. The tenant shouldn't use a rent subject for transportation of passengers or freights for payment of the third parties, to participate with a rent subject in sports competitions (§ 259 Civil codes). If, despite it, the tenant makes it, then bears a full liability for damage, i.e. for damage of a subject of rent or violation of its integrity.

3.8. In case of technical malfunctions in a rent subject because of the tenant, the driver of a subject of rent or other persons in the period of rent validity, the tenant bears a full liability for the expenses connected with elimination of these malfunctions and consequences which these malfunctions caused.

3.9. For satisfaction of the requirements following from this contract, the lessor can include the posted bail.

4. Lease term

4.1. The subject of rent can be leased only to persons is more senior than 18 years which will confirm this fact with the existing identity card, the driver's license confirming the right to operate the vehicle of this category and own credit card.

4.2. The price for one day pays for rent of a subject of rent for 24 hours. The minimum term of rent of a subject of rent - 24 hours.

4.3. The beginning of term of rent is time when the lessor transfers keys from a rent subject to the tenant, the end of term of rent is time when the subject of rent is transferred to the worker of the lessor.

4.4. The price for rent didn't include the expenses connected with operation of a subject of rent, i.e. expenses on fuel, a parking, washing of the car, penalties of police, etc. The tenant undertakes to return a rent subject in that state in which the car was transferred to it to the moment of signing of the contract, with a fuel reserve, specified in the Protocol on reception and transfers of a subject of rent which is the integral component of this contract. If the subject of rent isn't returned in that state in which it was transferred by the Lessor at the time of signing of the protocol of transfer and with all accessories, the provisions specified in hl work. 3 the given contracts. If the subject of rent isn't under way as a result of technical condition, the lessor undertakes to provide transportation of persons to a place of receiving the car or to the nearest hotel in proportional time. The tenant in that case has to provide to the lessor exact information on where the subject of rent is, about character of this problem, and will be guided further by instructions of the worker of the lessor.

4.5. The tenant is obliged to notify the lessor on increase in term of rent or a place of return of a subject of rent in writing or by phone no later than 24 hours before originally agreed time frame of return of a subject of rent. If these conditions aren't met, the tenant undertakes to pay cost for each additional day of rent for a tariff of one day of rent and the lessor doesn't bear responsibility for possible ambiguities at return of a subject of rent.

4.6. In case the term of rent intends to reduce, the tenant is obliged to notify the lessor in writing or by phone no later than 48 hours before originally agreed time frame of return of a subject of rent. If these conditions aren't met, the lessor doesn't bear responsibility for possible ambiguities at return of a subject of rent. At observance of conditions, payment for the car will be returned in a full size for unused days of rent. If the tenant doesn't report and will return the car before the specified term, payment will be returned with a deduction of two days of rent of the car.

4.7. The day limit for a subject of rent isn't set.

4.8. In case the subject of rent was returned with amount of fuel less, than is specified in the contract, the tenant has to pay expenses on fuel of 39 kroner for 1 liter.

4.9. If the customer isn't behind the reserved rent subject in due time according to the contract and in the subsequent will want to cancel reservation, the company has the right not to return money for reservation of a subject of rent.

5. Termination of period of validity of the contract

5.1. This contract is signed for limited term, beginning day of signing of this contract and finishing with the moment of return of a subject of rent, about it entry of the lessor by the worker in the protocol of reception and transfer of a subject of rent which is the integral component of this contract will be made.

5.2. In case the lessor receives information that the tenant roughly violates conditions of this contract when using a subject of rent, the lessor has the right to dissolve the contract and to take away a rent subject from the tenant. The tenant thus is obliged to pay the sum for rent for all term before cancellation of the contract and to pay the full sum for possible damage of a subject of rent or its accessories which arose in the period of validity.

6. Final provisions

6.1. This contract comes into force in the afternoon of signing by both contractual parties and into action in the afternoon of transfer of a subject of rent.

6.2. All disputes under this contract or in connection with it, with an exception of powers of the general courts will be solved with final action in arbitration office-work by the arbitration judge Vitaly Starozhuk, date of birth. 03.02.1986, registration address: Praha 8, Libe ň, Trojská 1201/3, 18200. The parties undertake to execute all duties assigned to them in the arbitration resolution in the terms specified in it. This contract and the relations of the parties are guided by the Czech right as the right decisive.

6.3. Both contractual parties confirm authenticity of this contract and at the same time declare that the contract attentively read, its contents is clear to them and that this contract wasn't signed on coercion and on unilaterally unprofitable conditions. As proof of the free will attach the signatures.

6.4. This contract is signed in duplicate which integral part is the Protocol of reception and transfer of a subject of rent. Any changes of this contract have to be carried out only in writing with confirmation of both parties on the same document.

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